Home of the Rare Breed Coton de Tuléar®
The American Coton Club (ACC) is the Home of the Rare Breed Coton de Tuléar®. The American Coton Club will remain a safe haven for the Rare Breed Coton de Tuléar®.
Looking for a Coton de Tuléar puppy?
See our Code of Ethics Breeders Directory to find the Coton de Tuléar puppy of your dreams!
What is the American Coton Club?
The American Coton Club is about All Purebred Cotons All the Time, including the colors native to the breed! Join the American Coton Club and support the Rare Breed Coton de Tuléar®.
The American Coton Club supports Code of Ethics Breeders who are committed to ethical breeding and puppy placements. Code of Ethics breeders support The Club's mission to protect the Coton de Tuléar as a Rare Breed (i.e., not a part of the American Kennel Club). To find out more about Code of Ethics breeding, please see our About Code of Ethics page.
The American Coton Club strongly defends the original heritage of the Rare Breed Coton de Tuléar®, the Royal Dog of Madagascar, and supports breeders who are working to preserve the physical, psychological and genetic integrity and color diversity inherent in the gene pool of the Rare Breed Coton de Tuléar®. The Club is committed to educating the public about AKC supported puppy mills, pet store dog sales, backyard breeders and online brokers.
The American Coton Club remains dedicated to the Health and Wellbeing of the Rare Breed Coton de Tuléar® and emphasizes the importance of breed information, education and requires mandatory health testing of all breeding Cotons. Note: As of January 1st, 2019 All Breeding Males are required to undergo the full panel of DNA Health Testing through Embark, a research partnership with Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine.

The American Coton Club is an inclusive membership organization. Those affiliated with the American Coton Club have a passion and commitment to this wonderful breed. The American Coton Club welcomes all Coton lovers who believe in our mission and love their Coton de Tuléar. The American Coton Club members and Code of Ethics breeders are dedicated to preserving and maintaining the full and vibrant gene pool of the Coton de Tuléar and understand a Coton is not a Coton without its delightful temperament and characteristics unique to the Coton. Character and temperament must be preserved.
Code of Ethics breeders who belong to the American Coton Club are required to Health Test their breeding Cotons. Expect nothing less!!
Code of Ethics
To find out more about Code of Ethics breeding, please see our About Code of Ethics page. If you are looking for a purebred Coton de Tuléar puppy, please visit our Code of Ethics Breeder Directory for a quality Coton de Tuléar puppy from health tested parents.
Join the club!
For Membership options, please visit the Membership page. American Coton Club Members receive a subscription gift, Coton Tales quarterly newsletter, plus many other benefits. The Club welcomes your support of its mission.