
Coton de Tuléar Eye Health


The Coton de Tuléar is still remarkably free of genetic disease. There are perhaps 45-55 known genetic diseases in Cotons (compared to hundreds in other more common breeds). The known incidence of any particular genetic problem is low, in the 1-5% range. Often in other breeds, the incidence of one or more diseases can be greater than 50% in the population and presents a real problem to long term breed vitality. The known incidence of any particular eye problem is still quite low. It is good to be aware of possible health problems but this health information is not meant to convey that there is a particular health problem in the breed. American Coton Club breeders maintain a lifelong educational commitment to learning as much about the breed as possible. It's always a good idea to ask the breeders you approach for puppies if they health test their dogs and what they can tell you about any potential problems in their lines.


The American Coton Club maintains a National Breed Club membership with CERF, the Canine Eye Registration Foundation, and regularly publishes an updated list of Cotons who have been certified free of eye diseases.


The information in these reports comes only from certified veterinary ophthalmologists who have examined a Coton for inclusion in the CERF Eye Registry and have found an anomaly. In this case, the information is sent anonymously for inclusion in the statistical report. Only the age, sex and description of the problem is sent to CERF. If a Coton is examined outside the context of a CERF examination either by a regular vet or by a certified veterinary ophthalmologist, any problem found is not passed on to CERF for inclusion in the reports.


Statistical Breed Reports for the Coton de Tuléar















A Message from CERF

January 2014




If you are given an OFA form in place of a CERF form and your intent is still to use CERF, you may still send in that form for registration into the CERF registration and statistical database. Please note on the form that you wish to add the registration paperwork to the CERF database, include the color of your dog and make the payment payable to CERF. CERF has not changed any procedures on our part. CERF will mail you out a certificate, post the results on the CERF website , send your registration to OFA so our breeders can qualify for CHIC and send your results to AKC for your pedigree.

Did you know you can submit your CERF forms electronically? You can fax your form to 217-693-4801, you can scan the form into an email and send it to or you can mail your registrations to our new address:

PO BOX 199
Rantoul, IL 61866-0199

Any questions feel free to contact the CERF office at 217-693-4800 or





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