
Links for Coton Fanciers

What's available on the World Wide Web?

Fun Chat and Coton discussion forum for Members of the American Coton Club

  • Coton Tales  This forum is a light-hearted and fun chat site to discuss everything about your Coton.

Discussion Forums for Companion owners and anyone interested in the Coton de Tuléar

  • AKC or Not Discussion Forum  This forum is for discussion about how AKC recognition will affect the Coton de Tuléar. Companion owners, breeders, and anyone interested in the well-being of the Coton de Tuléar are welcome to join and let their opinion be known.
  • Coton Friends  Coton Friends is a chat group for Coton owners and breeders.
  • Dog Seminars  Dog Seminars is an informational posting list, not a discussion list, so it is low volume. All types of dog seminars may be listed and / or reviewed on this list, including agility, flyball, obedience, herding, tracking, frisbee, disc, freestyle, rally obedience, diet, raw feeding, holistic care and medicine, physical therapy and conditioning, animal-assisted therapy, kennel management, training, clicker training, aggression, showing, handling, conformation and structure, genetics and breeding and rescue.

Discussion Forums for Breeders

  • American Coton Club Breeders Forum This is an Internet forum for the Code of Ethics Breeders of the American Coton Club.
  • International Coton Breeders Forum This is a low volume list for discussion of breeding matters pertaining to the Coton de Tuléar. This forum is not for general chit-chat.
  • Canine Reproduction & Puppy Intensive Care  This is an extremely high volume forum with 2000 - 3000 email posts per month. Keep the volume of emails in mind when deciding on daily digest or individual emails.
  • Canine Genetics  The Canine Diversity Project is an attempt to acquaint breeders of domesticated Canidae (dogs) with the dangers of inbreeding and the overuse of popular sires.  Both lead to the indiscriminate loss of genetic diversity and increase the frequency of genetic problems in the population.

Lifesaving Links

Vaccine Information Resources

Traveling with your Rare Breed Coton de Tuléar®

Puppy mill Information

Animal Welfare & Animal legislation

American Coton Club Coton de Tuléar banner gold

Banners for American Coton Club COE Breeders

If you are an American Coton Club COE Breeder and would like to add an American Coton Club banner to your web site please choose a banner from this page.

*Please do not alter or amend any of the beautiful American Coton Club web graphics created by our talented designer Annika Lindblom.

Coton de Tuléar puppy ACC banner blue

Coton de Tuléar puppy ACC banner gold

Coton dog adult ACC Coton graphic

American Coton Club links banner blue

American Coton Club links banner gold

American Coton Club LOGO